Monday, August 12, 2013

Choosing Khador.

Greetings Comrades.

I’ve started a lot of different game systems. RPG’s, Card Games, and tabletop games. What I’ve learned is that you need to do your research. I played through the entire color wheel of Magic the Gathering before finding what worked for me. I went through four factions in 40k before finding one that I liked. My RPG characters in the past have tended to change their focus each time.
The moral of the story for me is that when starting a new game or system do your research and really weigh what your options. I tend to approach a new faction or game by looking at a couple of things, army Aesthetic, Fluff, and Play style. There are a number of other things that can and should be considered by someone entering the game, easy of entry, skill level required, etc.
      For me choosing a faction came down to two options, Khador or Menoth. From the title of this blog you can tell that Khador won out. Aesthetically they are the relentless frozen north. Straightforward and unstoppable, their warkjacks are monsters of metal, their infantry are tireless and dedicated soldiers for the motherland. Their background is filled with the glory of the motherland. Every single citizen an integral part of the great machine that is Khador.

In terms of play style most anyone who has chosen Khador can tell you that you come for the jacks and stay for the infantry. A little bit of research will tell you that despite how amazing their jacks are, their infantry and support pieces are what make the faction amazing. Generally in creating a Khador list you look at warjacks pick one and are done, then you get to the rest of the good stuff in Khador.
The best thing you can do it playtest. For me purchasing the two player battle box allowed me to test out both Menoth and Khador, and ultimately decide on the motherland. As an added bonus, I managed to convince my wife to learn to play, with the Menoth, which she insists must be painted pink so she can beat all the boys with an army painted bright pink, just something to look forward to in the hobby section. In the meantime, carry on for the motherland.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Welcome to the Motherland.

Greetings Conscripts.

My name is A. G. Christensen and I am a wargamer, a husband, a father, a juris doctorate, and a dedicated Khadoran. I have been playing various wargames since I was a child, and have been playing Warmachine since 2010. I have really enjoyed the Warmachine universe, as well as the games that I have managed to get under my belt. However I have been saddened to see that there isn’t really any place for Khador players to go for help, tips or tricks in helping them expand the Motherland’s empire. To that end I have created what I hope will become a place where Khador players can come to learn and share.

      In addition I also have set a goal for myself to progress from a casual player to a tournament player over the next year. I have been playing since 2010 but have had limited exposure to the tournament scene. I want to expand my abilities, force myself to learn to play Khador better, and be able to explain how to help others achieve victory for the motherland.  To that end this blog will become a once a week blog with posts going up each Monday. I am going to try and follow a standard cycle of articles that will help me grow and expand, while also reflecting my interests.

The order of posts should be as follows;
  •  General – Where I talk about Warmachine in general as well as any other semi-related subjects I think of.
  • Tactics – On these posts I hope to take a single unit, solo, warjack, or warcaster and examine a tip, or tactic that can be used to make them better. These may range from basic to more in depth depending on what I have been learning recently or feel should be shared. (Although fair warning they will likely be pretty basic in the beginning).
  •  Hobby – This is an important aspect of the game and one that I think too many people ignore. This blog is going to be mostly about playing Khador, but nonetheless once every 4 weeks I am going to take some time to go over what I have painted or converted, what I am currently painting/converting, or the terrain I am working on. I may also try and throw in some tips or ideas that I am toying with for whatever hobby project it is that I am working on.
  • Battle Reports – Finally, I am going to be sure to include at least one battle report every 4 weeks. I am hoping to be playing much more frequently than once every 4 weeks, as I know that the key to becoming a better player is getting more games in. Regardless of how often I get to play I will be sure to get in at least one game every 4 weeks so that you can see my army in action.

 So thanks for joining me as I work to win many victories for the Motherland.